Statement of disavowal, by Harry the Human
Sorry, readers, when I turned my back on Robert's and D.L.'s trip to Bhutan I should not have handed over my blog so completely to Robert, as I have in the previous post (Big Brains), where he concludes that humans are complicated, not smart, and speculates that we will end up as a head on a desk with spindly arms and fingers for a keyboard. He is a gila monster, after all, and it is rude of him to pronounce on the future evolution of humans, which he maintains will not be as glorious as that of gilas'- in fact he apparently believes they will be quite sad and miserly in comparison. How would he know? We humans are the ones who created our problem, and we're the ones with the brains to figure it out!
I hope. That's the purpose anyway of this lonely blog, to call out to my fellow evolving humans that the time is now to set the future. It is not in a science-fiction story or paper about times to come. It is happening at this moment. Robert knows it but doesn't feel it. His species is evolving at the normal pace: they've been in roughly the same form for about 20 million years. We're about to change form completely in about 20 years. No wonder Robert is pessimistic about us: although we have lots of understanding, we have no plan, no overall blueprint. And our evolutionary jam is nowhere to be found in our political discussion. It will be a combination of free-for-all and covert action. Yuck!
Robert, if I may address you and yours for a moment, although you have your challenges, a universe has never squeezed down on you as ours does on us. You were always able to stand on your own four feet, look around, and spit in approval. How can you challenge beings you do not understand? You can still be my friend (if that's what you are) but you will need to start your own blog- you're done with mine. Let's see what the market is for a telepathic gila monster.
I had intended to end here, but Robert as usual is monitoring my thoughts and has begged me to let him add a short addendum. I have obliged if only to demonstrate the inherent generosity of my species.
Yours Truly, Harry the Human
Addendum by Robert the Telepathic Gila Monster
Greetings readers, sorry about my buddy Harry's foul mood this morning. I will of course oblige him by not pre-empting any more lengthy cross-species reveries on his blog, but let me just note that my pessimism about the human species is not unfounded and is shared by many if not most of your kind.
Harry, I suppose you would like me to admit that there are some hopes of intelligent re-emergence in Homo sapiens, however fleeting? Sure, I'll admit it, as soon as I see it. I suppose you think you're part of the fleeting hope? Ha! I'd smirk and sneer except gila monsters can't do that. Have a nice evolution, Harry!
Yours, Robert the Telepathic Gila Monster
Addendum from Harry the Human
Wow, that was mean, Robert! It will be a cold day in Darwinism before you're back on my blog! Come on humanity, help me prove this desert lizard wrong about us!
All the best, Harry the Human